What are Aging Care Management Services?

Professional Certified Care Managers are highly trained professionals who can help older adults and their families in the following ways:
- Support living at home for as long as possible by arranging for, and monitoring, care services
- Monitoring the care and assisting aging relatives who are hospitalized in acute or rehabilitation settings or who are a temporary or permanent resident of an assisted living care facility, or nursing home
- Assess concerns about possible changes in memory and the person’s safety and recommend care solutions
- Coordinate medical care needs to ensure that all the individual’s physicians and care providers are communicating clearly and have the most current information
- Provide oversight and monitoring of medications
- Accompany individuals to a doctor or medical appointment
- Provide assistance with monthly bill paying and managing personal and home affairs
- Provide placement assistance and help transitioning from home to an extended care facility
- Provide professional assistance and serve as the family’s resource and guide to help identify solutions to issues, and enhance communication among family members
- Provide assistance to long-distance family members who need a local liaison and advocate to oversee their loved one’s care, and provide them with regular updates
Comprehensive Assessments
A comprehensive assessment is recommended when an older adult has problems and issues that need to be evaluated and addressed.
We personally visit the individual to assess their physical and cognitive health, self-care abilities, the environment including safety and home maintenance, adequacy of medical care, untreated health issues, need for physical or other kinds of therapy at home, and other needs. Based on information from the initial assessment visit and information provided by the physician and other involved parties, a report is written detailing care management needs. This document is often used by the family, client and others as the guide to planning services and ongoing monitoring of aging care management in New Jersey.
Care Management services can be especially useful in the following situations:
- There has been a recent diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease or another dementia, and the family needs help with legal, financial and care related planning issues
- A spouse is feeling overwhelmed by the care needs of the other spouse
- A frail older adult is alone, and the concerned family lives out of town
- An older person is having problems living independently, and needs help arranging for support services
- An older person has been diagnosed with a chronic progressive illness and needs assistance with future plans and monitoring
- An older person needs to move
- An older person is having difficulty managing his or her finances
Fees for Services
Our work is varied and based on the individual’s needs of our clients and their families. For this reason, our fees vary depending upon the scope of the work.
Generally, there is a fee for a comprehensive care assessment and evaluation. Once the assessment is reviewed with the client and family, if daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly care management services are selected, they are billed based on time, using an hourly rate.
The fees for other support services will vary depending upon the service, frequency and required follow-up. All fees for services are presented to the client and family in writing for their review and consent.
For your convenience we offer day, evening and weekend appointments to discuss your needs for aging care management in New Jersey.